The cost of installing a solar power plant comes down by 15-20% when installed as True Hybrid.
Provides efficient socio-economic utilization of available resources.
Wind and solar generation complement each other – provides a stable source of energy to the grid.
A small add-on unit will convert the existing ReGen wind energy converter to a wind-solar Hybrid converter.
Suitable for operation at 1500V DC string voltage resulting in 50% longer strings. Operation of solar park at higher voltage allows for more number of panels to be connected in each string and thereby increasing plant efficiency, reduction in BOP costs and easier O&M.
Separate tariffs for wind and solar may be received.
Pooled power increases the operating level of inverter closer to the rated power and thereby increases converter efficiency and yield by 2% to 5%.
High quality German technology with cost effective and wide spread Indian service.
ReGen’s Hybrid SCADA integrates both wind and solar park and offers high level of sophistication for control and monitoring of the combined system.